so i'm preeetty out of shape. probably the worst i've ever been.
i haven't been feeling too good about it, so i've decided to start running.

i'm never been very athletic or very committed to any sport this is a pretty big deal for me. one that involves a lot of motivation. i happen to find that motivation to keep running (even when i feel like dropping dead), through music. 
high energy, fast-pace music.

i just made this running mix and so far it's done the trick:

let's get out of here - les savy fav
i know what i am - band of skulls
headdress - amazing baby
i'll believe in anything - wolf parade
the trooper - iron maiden
white unicorn - wolfmother
future starts slow - the kills
fluorescent adolescent - arctic monkeys
sea lion - sage francis
shake me down - cage the elephant
dancing in the dark - bruce springsteen
waterloo - abba
the general specific - band of horses
will you be there - michael jackson
neighborhood #3 (power out) - arcade fire
rockaway beach - the ramones
til i collapse - eminem
brass monkey - the beastie boys
another bites the dust - queen
don't stop - fleetwood mac
listen to your body tonight - black kids
icky thump - the white stripes
war pigs - black sabbath
anarchy in the u.k. - sex pistols
renegade - styx
dreamer - atmosphere
damnit anna - the morning benders
heart shaped box - nirvana
the reeling - passion pit
suffering season - woods