band of horses played last night at the twilight concert series, so naaaturally we had to go. nicolaus, kerry, austin and i hopped on the trax and off to the great salt lake  we went. the moment we got there i was starting to doubt my decision to go. it was unnaturally hot and i was pretty sure i was gonna pass out from heat stroke at any moment. it didn't help that there were about six million sweaty bodies that smelled as dank as they come and kept bumping into me from every side. the only thing that kept me sane was my chilled people water (yes i am an obsessive jef holm/emily maynard fan so i drink his hip water...), good company (we bumped into a whole bunch of good friends like jake, jerika, kody, connor etc.), and people watching (trust me, it was a prime crowd for this)

just about the moment i thought i couldn't take the heat/crowds any longer, the music started. and suddenly everything was alright.

it's safe to say that band of horses is one of my all-time favorites.
they don't make music videos too often, but when they do they do it right:

if you're looking for other perfectly wonderful songs by them listen to these:

the general specific
window blues
the first song
detlef schremp
no one's gonna love you
the funeral
st. augustine
i go to the barn because

moral of the story: i'm not really into hoards of people crowded into one overheated area, 
but sometimes it's just worth it.